Thursday, October 15, 2009


Yes, I have researched my genealogy in the past. In fact, I am still researching because I am looking for lost relatives and it is a family journey that may never end. Therefore my advice for newcomers is the following:

1. NEVER GIVE UP when you reach a dead end or hit that brick wall. It may be a long time – but breakthroughs in technology such as mitochondrial DNA testing or release of new information may lead you to an unlikely place, open a door, or shed new light.

2. PREPARE FOR THE UNEXPECTED. Genealogical research does involve family – a dusty closet may open up and a skeleton or 2 just might fall out.

3. ORGANIZE AND STAY ORGANIZED AND REORGANIZE. Even if it is slow going at first, you may find yourself traveling down many different paths. Even if you’re moving fast , it is important to stay focused and be skillful and diligent in organizing all those notes, all those piles of records, all those photo albums, etc. Remember to keep a basic roadmap to serve as a guide as the information grows.

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