Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 6: #14 Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

Searching on Technorati or Learning 2.0 yielded the following results:

Blog Posts with exact phrase 540; all of the words 6,773 results

Blog Directory with quotation marks 340 ; without quotation marks 701

“A Trip Down the Farmington River, Monrovia, Liberia” is an interesting video post . Also of note was the effort to get everyone to post something about the environment. One thing that blogs do is emphasize how big, in terms of individual blogs, but how small, in terms of the internet, our planet is. And environmental problems exist everywhere on our small planet. The issue is not only the environment but also humanity’s – we have the same problem with responsibility all around the globe.

Factor X – Ponte el cinturon is a Spanish show just like American Idol. There is no language barrier when a contestant has no singing talent and the judges are somewhat crass. “Spun” TV shows exists on the internet – with different actors and in many different languages. Blogs also emphasize the commonality of bad TV.

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