Tuesday, November 20, 2007

WEEK 10: #23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning.............

This is only just the beginning or simply the continuation.........The iHCPL post on Week #2 stated "Among libraries, lifelong learning is one of those core values we shelves our books by."
I thought the least favorite would be the exercise on image generators; however, this turned out to be one with a great deal of fun. Many coworkers had a good time laughing and realizing how close our avatars really looked like us. One of the most boring turned out to be one of the most useful. RSS feeds enables one to keep up with what's happening in particular areas of interest. I may not have 50 feeds, but the few I do have, I will continue to use.
The effect on lifelong learning: the goal of becoming acquainted with what's out there was achieved. I learned a lot about feeds, image generators, online sharing and many other web applications. Also, the initial idea of internet safety was strengthened. There's a lot of stuff and a lot of people out there.
Where will we go and what will we find when we get there ? One thing about change, it is inevitable. Keeping up with technology and integrating it into our lives is task that will be around forever. For iHCPL, perhaps book clubs will be online with online checkouts and meetings. Downloadable media has been around and will continue to grow as the number of items grows.
Flickr fun, feeds and blogs are web interests I will continue. This is one chocoholic who is going international. I found some friends out there.
And so the adventure continues...

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